Seeing the Danish Cabinet Makers Autumn Exhibition 2013 and a presentation by OeO

Category : Design, Life December 4, 2013

CME2013-08One of things that I never really realized was that the danish design museum is only a few minutes away from work. They have a great library, interresting furniture design exhibitions and even lectures about design related topics. When one of my friends told me about this exhibition I signed up for their newsletter – and by coincidence I ended up seeing a lecture by OeO which was fabulous and highly relevant for me.

I even posted my notes from the lecture on Facebook – and the only comment was verbal from my girlfriend: “Maybe that was a bit too much information sharing”. So instead of just reposting my notes I’ll try to share what I got out of it.

Design is about sticking to your dreams. OeO has a concept they call “the dream shelf”. Whenever a dream occurs they would sort of put it on that shelf and from time to time they would revisit their dreams – and when the time is ready go for it. If you can dream it you can do it.

Design is about challenging and pushing boundaries. Design in itself is nothing but should try to do something “different” and not like everyone else. Take Apple as an example. They essentially have the same product as everyone else – mp3 player, computer, phone, tablet – but they’ve chosen to do things different and today they set the standard.

Design needs to be good business to be sustainable. We have dreams and artistic ideals but if a design is not “good business” it is not sustainable. They didn’t say “kill your darlings” – but sometimes you need to compromise and focus on the actual problem that you are solving not your own “little design darling”.

Design needs to be authentic, emotional and have a reason for being. When a story is told with heart and passion it becomes authentic and interresting. Emotional levels of design helps people relate to it – and feel it. If a design has no reason for being then it has no worth – so start with the story, not the product.

To succeed you need to work hard, keep on going and be persistent as hell. It might take you a long time to succeed so being persistent is imperative. Using ambassador and “popular friends” are great ways of sharing your message. Being creative in the field of communication and networking are essential to success and the best one is the idea where little effort will have great impact. Another example is going to a magazine – not with an idea – but a complete and finished concept fitting into their needs.

Don’t fear the copies. Fear of cheap “chineese” copies are a big factor in the design world but instead your should focus on the authenticity, story and quality of your design. These will greatly outway a cheap copy in any way and instead of being a product it will become an object of affection.

Design is not just the shape or form of a product. It is a strategical tool, it’s objects of desire, it’s stories, it’s personality and you can and should define your “design DNA”.

During the last part of the presentation we were allowed to ask questions and one of the participants asked “what about questionaires and cultural analysis” – and with a laughter he answered “design is dictatorship”. Respect for the people and the cultures that your work with are imperative but so is your intution and beliefs.

It was a great day! I was back at work. I left early to participate. I learned a lot – and felt so alive!

Below a couple of shots from the exhibitionCME2013-01CME2013-03CME2013-02CME2013-05CME2013-04CME2013-06CME2013-07CME2013-10CME2013-09CME2013-12CME2013-11CME2013-14CME2013-13CME2013-16


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