Softening the edges

Category : Accessories, Chairs, Design, Tools, Workshop May 9, 2013


One of my central ideas for the “Touch Me One” furniture series are the contrast between hard edges on the inside and very soft and smooth edges on the outside.

I want the pieces to be tactile, delicious, beautiful and loveable.

When I worked on the chair I chose to complete it as raw prototype without softened edges. Its main purpose was to let me see how the proportions work in real life.

For the footrest the purpose has been to test shaping the soft edges and making a piece much closer to something real and finished.

Soft meets hard
In the process of planing the edges.soft-meets-hard

One side
A finished raw side of the


The raw pieces
All the raw finished pieces almost ready for glue and assembly.the-raw-pieces

A little helper
I made this little helper when I was cutting the dovetails – an adjustable ruler with screews allowing me to set it to a specific depth and just mark a line. I think it took 45 minutes to make and literally saved me more than 2 hours of measuring. Tool construction is an essential part of woodworking!a-little-tool


Copyright © Yunika